Canada: Waste Reduction Week

Did you know that October 18 to 24 is Canada’s Waste Reduction week?

It seems as the years pass, Canada’s waste has been increasing! Since one of our core values is “Acting Sustainably,” what have you been doing to do so through your AIESEC work? Do you think we’re adhering to the 3 R’s, or can we do even better?

Here are some a timeline of facts from the Toronto Sun.

1980 – Canada generated 510 kg of waste per capita

1995 – Canada’s municipal waste per capita had swelled to 691 kg per capita

2004 – Per capita waste increased to 788 kg

2005 – – Canada’s municipal waste per capita increased to 791 kg per capita (nearly twice as much as Japan)

2006 – Canadians produced 835 kg of waste per capita

– 11% construction, renovation and demolition wastes

– 39% residential

– 50% Industrial, commercial and institutional

– Alberta is Canada’s most wasteful province (1,133 kg per capita in 2006)

– Nova Scotia is Canada’s least wasteful province (430 kg per capita in 2006)

Another thing the article mentions is what we do with our old cell phones. There are tons of recycle depots, which are usually an in-store cell phone provider! Instead of just having your phone sit in a box/drawer, find a depot and recycle it!

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